$1.1 Billion Bond | "Unlimited" Tax
It's OK to Vote NOSupport taxpayers in the Klein ISD who are already facing taxes that are too high. Residents need tax RELIEF. Vote NO to the $1.1 Billion bond package (Prop. A, B, C, & D).
Vote Early: April 25 – May 3rd
Election Day: May 7th
Unlimited Tax Election
This bond election is coming at a time of significant financial uncertainty. If passed, it will DOUBLE the debt of Klein, some of which will not be paid back for 40 years!
What's the impact?
The KLEIN ISD GIGA BOND DOUBLES the debt of Klein.
Why should private or home school families vote to raise their property taxes? And what about those without children? They’ll literally get nothing for it other than a hike in taxes?
With the rise of inflation and our struggling economy, this bond proposes unnecessary spending for an already declining school population.
The Klein ISD is pushing misleading facts to deceive voters into passing school bond elections. Click here to learn more.
This increase in taxes will affect commercial tax rates, causing a rise in the cost of rent, goods, and services.
“Businesses don’t pay the tax increase — consumers do.”
It's ok to vote no
Let it be known.
When a school district has already reached its maximum tax rate allowed by law and has called a little-known election in their buildings on a non-standard day, and is pressuring teachers and staff to vote for it, and is hoping for a terribly low voter turnout, DOES it really have “the consent of voters”?
The Issues
Passage would more than DOUBLE the per student debt of Klein, including interest required to pay it back. Some of the debt will not be paid back for 30 years!
The actual bond language DOES NOT CAP the tax increases to pay off the bonds.
This bond is not needed now that Klein ISD’s growth has nearly leveled off. (See graph below.)
- Most land has been “built out” already
- Covid handling pushed families away from the Klein
- Many more families are now choosing private, charter, online and home school options – permanently
- There is little if any evidence that BUILDINGS improve education outcomes—GOOD TEACHERS do that and this bond ignores teachers
The timing couldn’t hardly be any worse, with:
- Inflation raging
- Interest rates rising
- A recession looming
- Gasoline already crimping budgets
- Property taxes already out of control
Who is on each side?
- District administrators are pushing staff and teachers to vote yes. Contractors for the proposed buildings and projects are also for the bond. Some vendors have donated THOUSANDS to the marketing rhetoric campaign
- Grassroots Property Taxpayers who understand the sham, the actual tax increases and ethical issues are against the propositions.
- Please don’t confuse the marketing rhetoric site (the “happy site”) with the official one. The marketing site being promoted does NOT include the required-by-law disclaimers that the official site has. Those are only found buried deep in the actual kleinisd.net site.
This bond is deceptive in the way it is promoted.
- Rate vs. Appraisals game–KISD claims it will only raise RATES .03/100, IGNORING that APPRAISALS are also skyrocketing and result in higher taxes
- Uses comparisons on 100k home (with homestead exemption). This is deceptive in that it reduces the tax on the unusually low priced house “example” of $100k by $25k homestead or 25%. More expensive homes do not get anywhere near a 25% exemption. (See the example below.)
- Comparisons with current tax RATE also ignore that if the bonds fail to pass, property taxes will be going DOWN–by a lot
- Comparisons with other local districts that Klein provided IGNORES/OMITS Tomball, Aldine, and Conroe (including The Woodlands), all of which are LOWER tax rates than Klein. (See graph below.)
- Has had serious ethics complaints filed against it with the Texas Ethics Commission
- Tries to get senior citizens to tax their neighbors higher since their taxes frozen at 65. (Note that the education ecosystem fought against senior taxes being frozen.)
The Cost
Props A, B, C, D real costs
Proposition A.
Current Debt
- Principal. $1,023,220,000
- Interest. $486,775,117
- Combined. $1,509,995,117
New Debt (A)
- Principal. $843,840,000
- Interest. $887,704,591
- Combined. $1,731,544,591
- $142.73 on first $100,000, 4/3 more on additional value*
Note that with interest, this proposition A alone more than doubles Klein debt.
Proposition B.
Current Debt
- Principal. $1,023,220,000
- Interest. $486,775,117
- Combined. $1,509,995,117
New Debt(B)
- Principal. $51,510,000
- Interest. $4,276,781
- Combined. $55,786,781
- $32.36 on first $100,000, 4/3 more on additional value*
Proposition C.
Current Debt
- Principal. $1,023,220,000
- Interest. $486,775,117
- Combined. $1,509,995,117
New Debt(C)
- Principal. $131,325,000
- Interest. $138,135,022
- Combined. $269,460,022
- $25.13 on first $100,000, 4/3 more on additional value*
Proposition D.
Current Debt
- Principal. $1,023,220,000
- Interest. $486,775,117
- Combined. $1,509,995,117
New Debt(D)
- Principal. $75,190,000
- Interest. $79,004,509
- Combined. $154,194,509
- $15.98 on first $100,000, 4/3 more on additional value*

*Example Calculation from the KISD Klein documents:
Total for first $100,000 = Sum of bonds A, B, C, D.
$142.73 + $32.36 + $25.13 + $15.98= $216.20 per year on first $100,000
Due to assumption footnote 4 in each of the 4 bond documents, (that reduces the example 100k value by the 25k homestead exemption, but would not affect the rest of the valuation), any additional home value is taxed HIGHER than their 100k example. The easiest way to do this is: 100/75 x $216.20= $288.27 per 100,000 of valuation above 100k.
Lets say a home is valued at $350,000. The first $100k would be $216.20. The remaining $250,000 would cost $720.67.
Added together, $936.87!

Proposition A Ballot Language
Proposition B Ballot Language
“The issuance of $51,510,000 of bonds for the acquisition or update of district technology equipment, including the acquisition of personal computing devices for students, teachers, and staff, and the levying of a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds and the costs of any credit agreements executed in connection with the bonds. This is a property tax increase.”
Proposition C Ballot Language
“The issuance of $131,325,000 of bonds for the construction, acquisition, and equipment of a district events center with a seating capacity in excess of 8,000 seats for use in connection with events including indoor athletic competitions, graduations, concerts, performances, convocations, science fairs, and robotics and career and technology exhibitions, and the levying of a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds and the costs of any credit agreements executed in connection with the bonds. This is a property tax increase.”
Proposition D Ballot Language
“The issuance of $75,190,000 of bonds for the construction, acquisition, renovation, and equipment of district stadiums, including the construction of a new district stadium and renovations to Memorial Stadium, and the levying of a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds and the costs of any credit agreements executed in connection with the bonds. This is a property tax increase.”
Get Involved
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